Monday, March 10, 2008

I have a cold

Ugh. I have a cold. And I have experienced every level of "cold" that there is in the past four days. Today is the "my ears are totally plugged and so I am dizzy and wonky" stage. But it totally beats the "my head is full of crap and feels like it's going to explode" stage that I just left. I wouldn't go back to that stage if you paid me. I think I have killed several small trees. My garbage can is filled with used tissues. That's how much stuff was in my head. Ugh. That is the best word to describe it. I want to feel normal again. I want to go thrift store shopping and driving with my i-pod plugged in listening to my favorite music. I want to feel the sun on my back and see the smiling faces of my pre-schoolers. I'm almost out of Kleenex. Ugh.


Kimberly said...
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Kimberly said...

Ooh, I hear ya. I'm rather sick myself with that same plague that's been going around throughout February and into March. I hope you get well soon (and me too!). I stayed home from work today and I'm hoping the rest will help.

Thank God for Kleenex, eh? At least we don't have to hand wash kerchiefs.