Monday, March 3, 2008

paper heart

you have taken me farther than i wish to go
as high as the sky we used to gaze at
grass in our hair
tickling our ears
itching our backs

you have taken me farther than i wish to go
as deep as the sand you buried me in
salt water in my hair
running down my face
stinging my eyes

oh how i wish this aching would stop
it keeps pulling on me
tugging at my flesh
ripping it apart
bit by bit
memory by awful memory

memories of you and me
seep through my skin
like a cold sweat

night after night I awake to you
the tide of our past
leaves me drenched

i have come this far
and it is as far as i want to go
i have taken more that i can handle
but despite it all
there is only one thing that rips the delicate paper tissue of my heart:

knowing i cannot go where you are


Kimberly said...

I am curious to know from what this stemmed.

therecoveringstoic said...

Ooh... This one is really good.