Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's been awhile...

I haven't posted in awhile. So here I am. Posting.

It is summer now. I am at home, doing the home stuff. Desperately cleaning up after my husband. ;) I have also recently encountered the pressure of adulthood. Let's just say it now: being an adult sucks. Who ever decided as a child that being an adult is so cool? It's NOT. There are constant responsibilities to attend to. This company to call, that bill to pay, this overdraft to pay, that spam call to avoid. It has taken me an entire year to get just my name changed. It is a literal pain in the butt to change your name. It takes an act of congress to do it. It's not as easy as it sounds. The stress of life is sometimes overwhelming. And being shy does not help. Sometimes I am so stricken with fear of confronting strangers about problems that I have tummy problems, or I just break down in tears. And yet I hate ignoring problems so I have to deal with it or I will go insane.

On a happy note, Thomas and I joined a gym. I LOVE the gym! It makes me feel so good to get some good exercise. I just love all the equipment and trying all the stuff. I could probably spend all day there. :)

On a more personal note, I've been struggling with loneliness. Thomas is my best friend, and I adore him. He is amazing. But I haven't had girl time in forever because I don't really have any girlfriends here. Our young couples group is taking a break for summer, and their schedules are usually very busy so we don't even get to spend time with other couples. I have been spending some time playing and RPG with Thomas and a bunch of guys, and while it's been super fun, I've had a little too much guy time and not nearly enough girl time lately. I've been praying for some friends, but as of yet I haven't found any.

And on a very happy note, my first year anniversary is a couple weeks away!!!! Thomas and I are going down to Disneyland and staying there for three days. I am very, very, very excited. Disneyland is a very special place for us, we have many happy memories there, and now we get to go make more!!!

Well that is my life for now. :)

Your sister in Christ.


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Coming Home...

Thomas is finally coming home from his long journey to LA. He's coming back empty handed. Hopefully some day we can live down there again. Perhaps sooner or later. For now I am just happy to have him coming back. How I have missed him. Please continue to pray for us (see last post) we both still long for something that seems beyond our reach. But I am very thankful for what we do have. :D

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Prayer Request

God's will is sometimes hard to know. Or is it that we have a hard time listening? Are the signs everywhere and we are just walking around with our eyes shut? Are we illiterate? Do our feet naturally walk in the wrong direction? Is what our hearts yearn for birthed from sin or truth? What keeps us from the greatness God has promised us? Or is our definition of greatness buried in worldly garbage?

Thomas and I want to be close to God, to hear His will, to have the courage to do it, and trust that He will provide.

Please pray for us.

Friday, April 4, 2008

The story of today. April 4th 2008

I needed a prescription for my strep throat and my Dr. sent it to the pharmacy electronically, and told me I could go pick it up in two hours. Well I have had this for four days so I went right over two and a half hours later eager to get the antibiotics and finally get better. I get to the pharmacy and they say they haven't gotten the prescription so I call the Dr. and they say... "oh well it usually takes 2-4 hours." And I'm like in my head "thanks for making that clear, cause you didn't." So I dragged myself out of bed, got ready, and drove 15 min. to get here for nothing. Great. So I called my husband and he tells me he was about to leave work anyways because he had just found out he was coming down with strep throat too. So he told me to go home and he would pick it up in a couple of hours on his way home. So I go home, put some laundry in and start to fix lunch and suddenly there is water flowing like a river into my kitchen. So I turn of the washer and curse my father-in-law who installed the stupid thing, and call my husband, who informs me that the pharmacy still doesn't have my prescription and that he called my Dr. and they said, "oh well it might not arrive until the end of the day." (stupid liars) So I burst into tears because my kitchen is flooded, the butter on the stove is burning, I have no prescription and I hate the world. So I had to mop up my kitchen, and fix my lunch, all while feeling sick. Meanwhile my husband was at the Dr. getting his own prescription for his strep throat. Finally at 4:00, seven hours after my prescription was electronically sent, I am told that it is ready to be picked up. ::sigh of relief:: Just in time for Thomas to go and pick up his prescription. Now I am sitting on the couch trying to rest, but having a hard time of it. I hate being sick, I feel like life is passing me by, and God knows we don't have much time... not here anyways. I'm still learning how to let God use me in all circumstances.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Sometimes I dream, and when I do the dreams sometimes come out as these amazing movie scripts. When I wake up I'm like... "what a great storyline!" I wish I could do something with these ideas.

Easter was amazing this year. I forgot my camera (darn)! We were on Thomas' grandparents' ranch. It is beautiful there. And the weather was perfect! I finally got some sun on my skin. I LOVE the sun. I wish it could be summer all year long, I would be VERY happy about that. Anyway, it was perfect on Easter. Sunny and warm, with the green rolling hills, orange trees and geraniums. It was prefect. The only thing missing was the ocean. (but I'm such a santa cruz water baby)

On days like today (when the weather is getting cooler again and the clouds are moving in) I wish I was living down south again. One day... :)

Friday, March 21, 2008

Sick... again.

I just got over a nasty re-lapse of my previous sickness. I am happy to say that I am now cured. Well at least I hope so. With all of the germs in this world floating around who knows when sickness will strike again. But for now I feel well and I am thankful for it. Perhaps I will think of something more interesting to say later, but for now this is all.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

earth and sky

i was the earth and
you were the sky

you were made up of
the sun
and stars

i was rain
and dirt

you were beautiful

i was dull
slowly being destroyed